Appendix A

TSANZ Advisory Committees & Working Groups, terms of reference

The TSANZ Advisory Committees and Working Groups represent the interests and views of their organ-specific special interest group in Australia and New Zealand. The Working Groups are informal networks whereas the Advisory Committees have a more structured work process. There is some variation in the constituency and mode of operation of the individual groups, but the areas listed below are a set of ‘minimum requirements’ for each Advisory Committee.

Each Advisory Committee acts as the peak body for the organ group it represents. It is broadly representative of the individuals, units and states taking part in the given transplantation area, and has the capacity to formulate clinical standards and policies in this area. Some Advisory Committees hold two face-to-face meetings each year, whereas others meet once during the TSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting. Additional teleconferences are held as required throughout the year. Decisions are normally made by consensus, but when consensus cannot be reached decisions are made by vote.

The Chair of each Advisory Committee reports to the TSANZ Board on a regular basis via the Chair of the Advisory Committees and Working Groups.

Key functions of the Advisory Committee are to:

  • Act as the peak body for their special interest group in areas of recipient eligibility, donor organ retrieval, allocation and standards of practice

  • Formulate standards of practice and conduct regular audits and reviews (including audits of the interstate exchange of organs and of allocation processes)

  • Oversee and regularly review the eligibility criteria and allocation algorithms for their organ group

  • Provide a forum for discussion of new or emerging therapies or practices in their field of transplantation

  • Provide advice to TSANZ Board on current, new or emerging therapies or practices in their field of transplantation, engaging relevant stakeholders in the process

  • Regularly review the information that they make available on the TSANZ website for accuracy and current applicability.

The terms of reference of the Advisory Committees oblige them to foster sound governance by having:

  • Auditable and transparent processes and operation.

  • A process for effective engagement with their constituencies

  • Consumer and community representation as required of any peak body

  • Documented processes for election of members and the Chair, including specification of tenure.

Any change to standards or policies initiated by the Advisory Committees undergoes a process of consultation that involves endorsement by TSANZ Board, ADTCA and OTA.