Thank you to everyone who played a part in making the 2024 ASM and Associated Meetings a success

Frontiers and Challenges in Organ Transplantation (FACT) and Solid Organ Transplant Symposium (SOTS)

There are some innovative changes to the line-up for the 2024 TSANZ ASM, as we continue to strive to provide an increasingly inclusive and dynamic ASM, to reflect the interests of all members of the Society

Both meetings are with assistance from the TSANZ Scientific Program and Education Committee (SPEC) and are suitable for all surgical and physician trainees and consultants.

Melbourne Convention Centre

Frontiers and Challenges in Organ Transplantation (FACT) - June 15, 2024 - Convened by Dr Melanie Wyld and Mr Harry Robertson

The PGC / Masterclass has been renamed and reframed to a day dedicated to examining frontiers and challenges in Organ Transplantation, to address current challenges in transplantation covering basic immunology through to clinical conundrums.

A full day (8am to 5pm) of engaging sessions for all transplant clinicians, scientists, and researchers.
Featuring cutting edge updates in aspects of immunology through to clinical conundrums, including contemporary approaches to transplant management, immunosuppression, and infectious sequalae. See program here.

Solid Organ Transplant Symposia

Liver-Intestinal June 15 & 16, 2024 - Professor Robert Jones and A/Prof Avik Majumdar

Kidney/Pancreas-Islet June 16, 2024 - Professor Natasha Rogers and A/Professor Ross Francis

Cardiothoracic June 16, 2024 - Dr George Javorsky and Dr David Darley

We have dedicated programs for specific Solid Organ Transplant Symposiums (cardiothoracic, liver-intestinal, and kidney/pancreas-islet), led by the respective TSANZ advisory committees, providing a forum for in depth discussions, updates and debate on broad ranging topics of significant interest to each subspecialty. See programs here.

To view the 2023 PGC & Masterclass slides* please email [email protected]
*free to members

To view the 2022 PGC & Masterclass talks please email [email protected]